Thursday, November 12, 2009

It's beginning to look alot like Christmas!!! pt1.

We love (and I mean LOVE) Christmas time. Seriously brings JOY into our home and hearts.

It is a very difficult time of year for many though. I know people who dislike the 'season', some who get depressed, many who miss family members, or get super stresssed over finances (or lack therefore).

I get that. I understand.

However, we feel utterly blessed with all God has given us, and really try to enjoy this, the season of Christ's birth.
Yes, "this the season", as in NOW.

We put up our decorations early.

Having being raised by two totally different sets of parents, Mike and I came into the marriage with 2 very different views on, basically, everything. It has been a ton of fun compromising. One of the views we dealt with was Christmas. Mike won. (okay, didn't win). After having been through a few Christmases, and having children of our own, we came to the conclusion, that for us, this works.

Here is our reasoning:

We have a jam packed schedule, that only gets busier in November and December. My husband works shiftwork. That is very difficult on a family. Plus, Mike and I work exact OPPOSITE shifts. When we have a free evening we need to take advantage of it.

Decorating takes time and energy. If I want to spend an entire day decorating, I certainly don't want to take it all down in 2 weeks. I need to feel like I'm getting use of my talents.

I like to be organized. I do not like pressure. Having the part of the list done early means I can bake, shop, wrap @ leisure (early as well).

We all love the ambience of dark rooms with the Christmas tree lights on. It revokes 'good 'ole memories' in me. We are hoping to give the kids wonderful memories as well.

It changes the look of the house. Changes the internal feeling. Cozier, warmer, and a tad more peaceful. It's hard to explain, but the colour brings a tad more umm, colour, into our world.

Having things done early, gives us the chance to truly enjoy this time without the rush and frantic pace that can go along with Christmas.

It works for us. Well.

(**If you aren't prepared yet to think or look on anything Christmas, please leave now, and return when you are ready**)

Gotta love doll.arama and val.ue!!
Our banister with the beginning stages of the garland.
We get decorating!

(click on pic for larger image.)
And, thus it begins.

She's at it again..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009


The great thing about marriage (or any relationship for that matter) is that we get to choose how to react to each others characteristics. For instance, a young lady fell head over heels with a guy whom she thought had the best sense of humour ever. He made her laugh at silly things, did spontaneous crazy acts at all times, and was just a ton of fun to be with. They got married, and suddenly, those crazy "funny" things became immature and annoying. She got to choose how she reacted to his traits.

Today, in honour of my best friends 33 birthday, I give to you 33 wonderfully amazing attributes about the love of my life.

1. You love God with your whole being. Thank you.
2. You are a tremendous, loving, giving, faithful husband.
3. You love our children deeply.
4. You have a great sense of humour. You continue to make me laugh 18 years later.
5. You are focused. If you set a goal, there is little anyone can do to stop you.
6. You strive to do your best with all aspects of the goal you have set. At times it irritates me how much work you put into work, but then realize you are doing your absolute best, and I love that.
7. You are passionate. Very passionate.
8. You are levelheaded. Comes with your job, BUT you carry it very well.
9. You are smart. You remember the strangest facts. I look forward to you helping with geography, science and history homework.
10. You are spontaneous. Love it. (hate it. lol)
11. You love with all you are. Not many, but those you do, get everything you have.
12. You care.
13. You have immense self-love. That's good. It gets you places. God loves that you love what he made.
14. You are calm in hectic situations. That makes us feel secure.
15. You are faithful. You understand what you have is not worth throwing away for short, small gain. (which is easily accessible in your line of work)
16. You are a true worshiper.
17. You care more about what 'we' (me & kids) think than what anyone else does. (albeit God)
18. You show mercy. You would rather apologize than be correct.
19. You are a tremendous provider. You work in the middle of the night, while we all are sleeping, to put food on our table, and then wake up early to watch the kids.
20. You are supportive beyond words. Even if you don't understand, or necessarily agree, you stand behind me 110% because you believe in me.
21. You are uplifting and encouraging. Hannah says "she KNOWS she's beautiful because her dad tells her so". Me too.
22. You never expect. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. If I never made another meal, you wouldn't say a thing.
23. You are fun. Adventurous.
24. You are peaceful. Although not always 'talkative' or 'into' the conversation, you are seldom angry. I can count on my fingers how many times I've seen you yell. In 18 years--Seldom.
25. You keep us grounded. Remind us how very blessed we are.
26. You are accepting. You love my 'family' (extended). You often mention how much of a blessing they are.
27. You are a natural leader.
28. You are generous to me. You go overboard at Christmas. You like to see me smile.
29. You are observant and alert. Once again, making us feel secure and safe.
30. You are full of common sense. This goes such a long long way.
31. You are full of life. Even when you are 'dealing' with the after math of situations at work, you might 'shutdown' briefly, but then rebound with full exuberance.
32. You are a gifted musician. You put all you are into music.
33. You are the hero to 4 very special people. Me, Hannah, Isaiah, and Aliah.

We love you deep.
Happy 33rd Birthday Mike!!!!!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Where've you been??

I haven't been neglecting you.
Okay, well, maybe I have.
But all for good reason.

Don't be offended. Here's proof.

1)My hubby went away on course for 8 days. Three kids, an out-of-home-job, and multiple extra-curricular activities. Enough said?

2) I had to tend to a bat, a bunny, and a zombie bride. Not as easy as it sounds! That bunny gets C-RAAA-NKY!!

3)"MY" computer has decided to take a siesta for a I'm dependant on the 'ole *gulp, sigh* desktop faithful.

4) Cranky bunny, brave bat and spunky princess got the flu.

So did I.

This is what my husband was greeted to when he arrived home. I'm nice like that. Gatorade and a barf bucket. True love!
Today, FINALLY!!! (after 9 days!) I am feeling almost myself. I can walk. I can breathe. I feel overwhemingly blessed.

But.. I have a LOOOOOOOOOOONG list to catch up.

In the meantime...HAPPY NOVEMBER..........HAPPY DECORATING.........HAPPY SNOW............HAPPY "MAKE THE MOST OF EVERY MOMENT". And..HAPPY.. well, I'll post that later.